31 August 2007

Our garbage obsession

Do you remember a few posts ago in which I gave a detailed description of the "garbage" process? Well, our 'magic' garbage card finally showed up. It will allow us to take out our garbage, 10 Liters at a time, for disposal. It has been really nice to be able to take it to school in the interim, but we are official now! Oh, did I also mention that the card is only good while we live here at Bläserstraße 58 - we will need to turn it back into the Rathaus when we move... which will be this weekend! Yep, you got it - we where here in our current apartment just long enough to receive the card that we now get to turn in. The funny thing is that we will get an actual garbage can at our new apartment on Hauptstraße, but we will likely have to wait about a month for it too... It's not wrong, just different...

So, we will most likely be moving over this weekend. We have an appointment tomorrow (Saturday) at 17.00 (that translates to 5:00PM) to meet with the management folks. If we can get the keys right away, we will try to get our things moved over in the evening - we don't have a lot with us, so that should be easy. Our plan is to pack, clean and recycle tomorrow in anticipation of the move. We also don't know when we will get internet access at our new home, so it may be a few days before we can post again. We hope to have pictures of the new digs soon so you can see where we will be living for the next two years (Hint: It is bigger than a breadbox but smaller than our last home). We are so looking forward to getting settled.

I will also start teaching classes on Monday. I just got all of our lab computers ready today - it took much longer than I anticipated, so I should be ready to go. Please pray for our health (we have some scratchy throat stuff going on) as we get ready to go to the next stage! We really love these kids. Hope to blog at you soon...

Peace, grace, joy

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