23 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I presume by now that the turkey has been consumed, the stuffing has been stuffed and the cranberry sauce is now just a condiment on the leftover turkey sandwiches. The thoughts of football games and naps, and of course post-Thanksgiving shopping looms large as the stores open at midnight (or so I have read...)

The difference in day-to-day life here is most striking on a traditional North American holiday. Now, our Canadian friends celebrated Thanksgiving back in early October. Here in Germany, both days are just workdays, so life proceeds as normal - sort of. At RIA, we are conducting teacher development days both Thursday and Friday. And, as I have said before, these are not just days for the teaching staff to play hooky. We are working on our curriculum guides for the specific subjects we teach - these guides help in two ways: They allow us to objectively map the scope and skills of what each class will learn over a year, thus bringing consistency and we can look for synergy between different subjects. Curriculum guides are also a step in preparation for our accreditation process. I will be writing guides for the computer classes for each of the 10 grades that I teach (Pre-school to 8th grade).

Unfortunately, I have come down with a pretty good head-cold. I am thankful that it is nothing worse than a cold (we have had a couple of teachers out with strep this year). It is also a blessing that I didn't miss any classes, but I will be staying home today to rest and recuperate (I am tired of blowing my nose - even if it is 4-ply tissue!).

Delynn and I will likely celebrate our turkey dinner this weekend - it will be a simple affair but we will have a small bit of turkey (Sorry Luke!) as it is tradition. Maybe next year, we will go with a more authentic Thanksgiving goose just for fun (I haven't mentioned that to Delynn yet...)

Let us all take some time over this holiday to be thankful to God for the many blessings we each enjoy in our lives, regardless of where we are physically, we can be united spiritually in a gift of thanks. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, We had Thanksgiving at our house with Dick & Alice, Wayne & Sylvia, and their son Tony & Tina. Yesterday I made stock an today Turkey Veg soup & tomorrow ??? and the next day ??? You know the routine with a 20 pounder.
Love, Dad

The Mongers said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you both, Michael and Delynn and to all your blog readers! Being a Walz descendant, I too have already made turkey stock and have frozen some leftovers for a turkey noodle casserole in the near future. Our turkey/veg soup night will be tomorrow...Grandma would approve of my turkey carcass usage. :) Reading your blog makes me still feel close to you both. We send you our love! Donna, Jim , David and Andy.

Anonymous said...

Delynn, do you remember the turkey soup or stew we used to make after Thanksgiving? As i recall it was very good and healthful. I don't know if you can do that with a goose or not, might be very greasy. Hope Michael gets over his cold ere long. That industrial strength kleenex sounds a little rough on the nose.WLYAPFYED Mom & Dad Field

Anonymous said...

Dear Delynn and Michael

How I enjoy following and reading your blog. Actually it is chicken soup that will make Michael well..
MY thoughts and prayers with you both.

Love Auntie Florence