05 July 2007

Happy 4th from PFO

Greetings from Mississippi and the NICS Pre-Field Orientation. Delynn and I are spending two weeks in sunny (read: hot and humid) Southhaven MS. PFO is a two week course for all new NICS staff before they head overseas. We are in classes six days a week - with homework! It is like being back in school... However, we are learning huge amounts - working with Third Culture Kids, communication styles, educational philosophies, dealing with transition and stress, etc. Great stuff, but it feels like drinking through a firehose - it is often overwhelming and we have little time to process. I started coming down with a cold Tuesday. I pushed through today with plenty of cold tabs and tissue, but we decided to come back to the hotel after classes today so we can get some rest. Most folks will be watching the fireworks after dark, but I will be watching the Mythbusters marathon on Discovery.

We have been able to meet several of the RIA team during PFO. Kelly, Josie and Aubrey will be teaching with us in Germay - they are really, really great people, I am so looking forward to working with them next month. I have to say that I am a bit overwhelmed - this is stretching me a huge amount, moving from the familiar (USA, home, church, family, 14+ years as a SW eng) to the new (Germany, don't know where we will live, new church, new jobs, new team of colleagues). What I can say however is that God has given us such peace about this change that it truly passes normal understanding. Selling our home, cars, 90% of our household goods and moving to Germany seems natural - it is like this is what we are ment to do... Wow!



kelleighcoy said...

I'm so glad to hear your going finally. though i will mis you i know in my heart this is what you want. I will send you a copy of my senor picture for you!

Miss you already... :(

Love, kelleigh

Sharon said...

Michael, I spoke with our Aunt
Tess this evening, she told me about your calling to Germany. You and your wife are truly remarkable people. My son, Jake is in Germany this year as an exchange student. He is living in a small town called Gartz, on the Polish border, just south of the Baltic Sea. I will read your Blog regularly to keep up with your acclimation to your new home and life. Blessings, Sharon