30 July 2008

We have arrived home.

We finally landed at the Zürich airport at 1140 today, 30 July. This was almost four hours later than we had expected. When we first boarded the flight in Atlanta, we noted that it was unusually warm. Several mechanics, festooned with screwdrivers and flashlights, made their way to the cockpit and then left. After the clock ticked past our scheduled departure time we were told that our air-conditioning unit was konked out and that we needed to deplane into the relatively cooler airport for our wait. (Thank the Lord, it was cooler...). A part was found, the solution however did not work and a new plane was found for us. Thank goodness that we were in Atlanta - a huge Delta hub, from which a substitute could be found. The new plane had to go through security checks, pre-fight checks and the luggage had to be transloaded. We took off finally about 4 hours later than expected; the actual flight to Zürich was relatively uneventful.

Our friends were waiting for us when we finally touched down. Aubrey, a fellow teacher and her friend Stephanie (both from the Northwest) had arrived about 830 and had to wait with Diana until we finally arrived. Everything turned out well however and we finally got to our little apartment by 1500 (3pm) this afternoon.

As the clock passes 1830 locally, Delynn and I are finishing the last of our unpacking but we are pretty bushed. We will do our level best to keep going until about 8pm or so before turning in.

Love to all; thanks to everyone who made our stay back in the States so memorable. From cars loaned to beds slept in - we have a really special group of people supporting us. But...

It's good to be back home.

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