25 May 2008

The best laid plans of man... Part 2

We are so proud of our students! As you know, Rhein International Academy is a Christian school, but Christianity is more than just learning from the Bible, it is working the lessons of the Bible and faith out in the real world. So, when the tragedies struck Myanmar and China over the last couple of weeks, it was not terribly surprising (but very heart-warming) when our middle-school students wanted to take action. They came up with the idea of a bake sale. They researched the different groups that have a presence in the countries already. They understood especially the difficulties of getting aid to the people who needed it in Myanmar. They found that World Vision is already in country there and chose it for their proceeds. The students organized publicity, sent out requests for support (i.e. bring in the goodies) and staffed the tables. Different grades helped bake items to sell - we literally involved the entire school in the project.

One of our middle-schools students sells baked goods to her mother (No special discounts here!)

The first-grade class is pictured here with another of our middle-school students. Guess whose parents brought in the sushi? (Let me tell you, the sushi and spring rolls sold out quickly - do you see any spring rolls on the table?)

Another of our middle-school students designed and created this sign in German as we have some foot traffic that walks by the school and we didn't want to leave them out.

I can just see this student saying: "What's it going to take to get you to buy one of my delicious wares today?" (By the way, that 50 cent sign is for 50 Euro-cents - roughly $0.75 US) The students raised over € 200 and 30+ CHF which works out to about $350.00 for the earthquake and cyclone relief. It may not seem like much when there is such deep need, but therein lies the lesson: it is not the amount that counts, but the motivation of the heart. These students are learning to reach out beyond themselves to be the adults and citizens of tomorrow. What a privilege it is to be a part of shaping how they see and affect their (and our) world.

Love all, serve all. Be blessed this coming week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you guys! Yay!
...and then I died.