14 December 2008
Please stand by...
If we don't have a chance to say it before, may you have a blessed, authentic Christmas.
07 December 2008
Thanksgiving trip to Bodensee

Due to the late fall conditions (fr-fr-fr-freeeeezzzzing cold and low hanging clouds on the lake) we never did get to see any of the Alps. I don't think we even got a clear view of Switzerland which is just the other side of the lake. Undaunted, our first task in any new town is to get a map and take a walk around. Here we are at the end of the town's pier (you can tell by the empty benches just how many other folks were out and about). We got lucky that one other young couple were out for a stroll so we could get our picture taken together.
Meersburg has TWO castles. One (pictured above), which most of us would rightly call a castle was first built in the 7th century. The second castle (seen below), which is more of a grand residence, was an 18th century Schloß for the Bishop of Konstanz. I actually took the picture of the new castle through a window in the old castle... Actually, it was a newer part of the old castle, but never mind.
The old castle had a mill just outside the front gates, it must have been fed by a stream that ran through the moat-y area, because the mill would have been flooded if an actual moat were filled with water. Anyway, the mill was all decked out with Christmas wreaths and such, so I thought Delynn would look nice in front of it.
Here is the old castle looking out over the Bodensee. The land you can see off in the distance is the pennisula of land that belongs to Germany where the city of Konstanz is found. More about Konstanz in a little bit, but it is a much larger city compared to Meersburg and interestingly enough, both places started up their Christmas markets (Weihnachtsmärkte) the weekend we visited (They must have known we were coming...)
This is the center of the old town in Meersburg. They are just setting up the Weihnachtsmarkt for the weekend. Our hotel was perfectly situated, being the big red building right on the market square. We had a great view of the market...
and we were serenaded day and night by local bands and singers. They are however, very German, meaning very polite and correct, so the music and market closed down before 22.00 (10pm) so we could sleep.
Here is an evening shot out of our hotel window looking down on the Weihnachtsmarkt in Meersburg.
Saturday was much clearer (still darn cold) so we trekked out across the lake to the city of Konstanz. I don't know much about the history of this old town gate and building but they look so, I don't know, so German! Beautiful, don't you think?
The Weihnachtsmarkt in Konstanz down one long major street in the old town -the market ran down the street onto a peer and even onto a ship moored on the dock. Delynn and I enjoyed nibbling our way down the street (there is such great food at these markets - I can't even begin to describe the smells and tastes but let's just say: Yum!)
We grabbed the ferry back to Meersburg in the afternoon so that we could get a good view of Meersburg from the lake.
It starts getting dark by 17.00 at this time of year, so the shadows of Meersburg were just perfect for a nice picture of the town.
What a beautiful sunset overlooking the Bodensee. I'm sure this place is just crushing with visitors in the summer, but it seemed like God was giving just the two of us something to dazzle our eyes and give us a time to pause and give thanks.
The next day, Sunday, we took the train back home. The trip to Meersburg by train and bus is just a little over two hours. When we arrived, the weather was again crisp and clear so we decided to walk to the Alt Stadt of Weil where our Weihnachtsmarkt was taking place. Weil, like Meersburg, holds their market just over a single weekend and it is attended by mostly local folks, which is just alright with us.
So, for you that are counting, this was our third Christmas Market in three days! We love this time of year here in Europe because it seems very authentic to us - these gatherings have been taking place for a long time to celebrate the birth of the son of God. The commercialism, which at times seems overwhelming back in the States is pushed back somewhat (plus it helps if you don't understand the language...) and the focus seems to be more on spending quality time with our family and good friends. We hope that you will be able to do the same.
30 November 2008
Happy Thanksgiving - Christmas is coming!
Well, we learned a huge amount about Spain and spanish culture. Did you know that Spain is the #1 exporter of olive oil to the rest of the world? Or that Tapas is a style of eating and not a type of food? We learned that and much more as our parents gave us a quiz about their people and what makes them special.

After our Spanish Experience, the whole school bundled up in our winter coats and schlepped up to the Hauptstrasse to decorate a Christmas tree for the city of Weil am Rhein. Up and down the main street, businesses and local schools joined forces to beautify the Strasse. We partnered with the local paper, the Weiler Zeitung, to decorate a tree - the business supplies the tree and the students provide the decorations.

Here is our finished Christmas Tree in front of the Weiler Zeitung. Anyone walking down the street can view the hand made ornaments - made with love - and read that they came from the Kinder at Rhein International Academy.
It was such a full week, I haven't even begun to tell about what Delynn and I did over the weekend. We took the opportunity to travel to the Bodensee (a.k.a. Lake Constance) which is located on the border of Switzerland and Germany. We visited the village of Meersburg with it's 1300 year old castle overlooking the beautiful Bodensee. Here is a picture of the town as we crossed to lake on Saturday to whet your appetite. I might have published something a bit earlier today except that we have been busy visiting Christmas Markets (Weihnachtsmarkt) - we got back today just in time to walk across town to our Weiler Weihnachtsmarkt before it got dark. We have been to three markets in three cities in less than three days - and we haven't yet been to Basel! Well, we will tell you more about them next week so I can put this blog to bed.
Delynn and I have very much appreciated the response for the request for prayer as we consider our next steps together. Thank you for your support in that way. We are also praying for our students - that God will increase our numbers at Rhein International Academy so that we can give more students a quality education and teach more students and families about the goodness of God. What a privilege to serve here.
Love to all - be a blessing to someone this week!
23 November 2008
Snow, Culture and Football
Meanwhile, during November at RIA, we have been celebrating the many diverse cultures of our students and staff. Each Monday, we have held an assembly (essentially a circle of children in the atrium of the school) and students from a class have shared something special about their culture. A student from Spain showed her special dress and castenets that are a part of her family's culture in Barcelona. Two of our 1st grade Swiss students shared about different things they like about their Swiss culture.

15 November 2008
Playing catch up

Last month, our school celebrated pajama day. I think it is so cool that in a small school, we can do these crazy theme days: hat day, country spirit day (uh, not country-western but you know, where you are from country), T-shirt day, storybook character day, etc. Anyway, the students really love pajama day although the parents say it actually takes longer to get them ready for school on pajama day then a normal school day - go figure. You can tell by the smiles that these kids really enjoy these special days - well, most of them like having their picture taken too.

If, when you think of us, could you please lift up a prayer? Maybe right now as you finish this entry - just a quick little prayer for wisdom and patience as Delynn and I contemplate and seek God's direction for our next steps. We are confident in God's leading but we are both planners by nature, so we sometimes get a little anxious. Thank you.
Love to all our family and friends.
10 November 2008
Always learning
Well, it is good to have the election behind us. I know that about 46% of you are less than thrilled by the outcome and about 52% are pleased. Regardless of whether it went your way or not, have you prayed for our leaders this week - both the outgoing and incoming? It doesn't have to be much but every bit counts. Thanks.
One of the great things about life is that there is always something to learn and great people from which we can learn. Take our parents. My dad and mom are celebrating 50 years of marriage today! (Don't they look great!)

I have also learned something rather fundemental recently; something that I thought I had mastered over forty years ago. It is tying my shoes. Okay, so not the greatest revelation in life but interesting none the less. I have always tied my shoes using the "bunny ear" method. I still remember learning to tie my shoes watching the Romper Room show. I remember running into my parents bedroom and showing them! They were so loving - we could always run to them with something we discovered and they would patiently listen. If you are unfamiliar with the "bunny ears" method, the bow is made by taking two loops and tying them like a half-knot. Anyway, I have always suffered from shoelaces that come untied easily. I just thought it was the way life is - BUT I WAS WRONG! I had a colleague here at school tell me that the standard shoe knot (you know - single ear, wrap around and through) was a tighter and better knot than the old bunny ear method. So, I tried it. I did one shoe with the bunny ear and one with the standard. I went back and forth on which method was better - the knots still came untied. Then I had an epiphany - it wasn't the bunny ear verses the standard method at all: after all of these years that the reason for my loose knots was the dreaded Granny Knot! I was not tying a square knot Me! Ex-Boy Scout, Ex-shoe repairman, Ex-Army Staff Sargent, with a university Computer Science degree! I know - it is so hard to believe. By starting my bunny ears with a left-over-right tie instead of a right-over-left, I have graduated to the life of nary a loose shoe. I feel more complete in life. If my admission, as hard as it has been, helps just one other person to live a better life, then my work is done.
Another interesting thing that I have learned living here in Germany is about the german view of community service. At Rhein International Academy, we have hot lunches provided by the local meals-on-wheels organization. It is a secondary service they provide which works well for us. We get good, well rounded meals at a reasonable cost and the students LOVE anytime we have pasta. Our normal delivery guy is about 19-20 years old and he is performing his obligitory service in Germany. You see, every german national is required to serve two years after the equivalent of High School (there are three different types of high school, but I won't get into that). This service can either be in the military or in another form of service - working in a hospital, state-retirement facility, etc. They are paid (not sure how much) but it must be enough to live on. After two years of service, people are free to pursue university or other profession. I don't know how difficult this would be to implement in the U.S., but it seems to me that this type of service would be good for us as a nation. It might help us stop and think that there is a bigger good worth serving outside of ourselves. It is in many ways a secular version of a very Godly precept - to love and serve others. Something we don't always get right even as followers of Christ.
So, learn from your parents successes. Listen to your peers. Take what is good from others' examples. Look for God in others. Live well.
02 November 2008
And now for something completely different...
We are experiencing this election cycle uniquely (at least for us). Being in another country puts a much different spin on U.S. politics. In some ways, it is enjoyable - we are not bombarded with the plethora of media streams trying to sway our opinions. Using our absentee ballot, we were able to vote early and have it done with weeks before the election. It is amazing (and a bit shameful) that we are able to speak with people from a dozen different countries who know our political system sometimes better than we do ourselves. They are often interested and very passionate about what happens in the U.S. presidential election. How many Americans do you think actually realize that Canada had an election last month - and could you name the Prime Minister and from what party he comes? Believe me, Germans, Swiss, Poles, French, Canadians (and French Canadians) all know what is happening in the U.S. election in detail.
Those of us who name ourselves Christian are called to pray for our leaders. Leaders in our faith communities as well as our locally and nationally elected leaders. I hope that we are all praying for this election. Praying for personal wisdom to cast our vote for the best candidate for our country; praying for a just and fair election where everyone who is entitled to cast a vote can and those who might be tryng to abuse the system cannot; praying for corporate wisdom for our elected office-holders to make the right decisions for our country. To be frank, I find it is much easier to pray for my pastor than I do for my president. I hope to change that. This morning, after our morning worship service, the vicar invited people to gather around to pray for the upcoming U.S. election. Of the dozen or so people who came together in prayer, only 2 or 3 were actually Americans and not a single person prayed for any specific candidate but rather that God would direct, protect and provide wisdom. Wow.
I have received several emails - you know the kind, forwards of forwards of forwards from goodness knows whom. They are often from well intentioned folks. But I must state that sometimes the content of the emails is a bit frightening to me - which is exactly the point of the email. But they are also troubling in the amount of untruth they carry. And it does not matter from which side of the political spectrum they arrive. Are we to be frightened into voting against someone rather than voting for someone? I don't believe that the God we follow would have us living in fear, but rather in victory - regardless of who becomes our next president.
The purpose of this blog entry is to challenge you. Will you join me in saying that you will pray for our next president regardless of who wins on Tuesday? When the Apostle Paul admonished Christians to pray (and give thanks) for their leaders, those leaders were often the hated oppressors from Rome. How hard could that be? Next to a wisdom-filled vote for the candidate of your choice, I think that a committment to pray faithfully for whoever is our next president is God honoring and worthy of our efforts as Christ-followers.
Okay, that's it. Our God is bigger than any single election. We should start acting like it is true.
Soli Deo Gloria
25 October 2008
Our first day off

Oh yeah, about the only good thing that is coming out of this economic hangover the world is experiencing is the exchange rate is tilting back in our favor. The € to $ exchange rate, which reached a high of 1.60 this August (i.e. 1 € costs $1.60) has fallen back to about what it was when we first seriously considered coming overseas about two years ago. As of today the exchange rate is 1.27 which means that instead of everything being screamingly expensive, things are now just expensive - but that's okay. For example, our monthly rent increased gradually to $185.00 more per month just due to exchange rate fluxuations. It is now back down to what we were paying when we first arrived. Hey, I'm just trying to put a positive spin on things. If we can't see the goodness in all the bad, we would just have to give up.
Also, some other really positive news. We were invited by a student's parents to their home for dinner last night. This is a huge thing in Germany (well, technically they live in Switzerland, but the mom and dad are both German and the part they live in is like a little pocket of Switzerland that pokes into Germany. The town has German borders on three sides). Germans tend to be slow (by American standards) to open up and invite people into their circle of friends. We were honored and humbled to be invited to share a meal and an evening with them. As we understand it, we are the first school staff members to be invited over, even though the family has had children attending Rhein Int'l Academy for like 3 years.
We are setting our clocks back tonight, so whatever time it is where you are, we love you and miss you. Live, love, serve others. Make a difference where you are. Have a God week.
11 October 2008
Our 2008 Fall Break

So, I was sure that I had taken my camera to church to take some pictures. However, when we walked into the church foyer, I realized that I didn't have my camera with me so I grabbed Dad's keys and ran back to the car. I searched in the car but the camera just wasn't there. I remembered setting it down just before we left, so I figured that it was sitting in the house on top of the fridge. We had arrived quite early for church and I debated running back to the house to get it but my sister-in-law Teri had brought her camera, so we could take pictures. Fast forward to after mass. We are walking through the parking lot to the cars when Eagle-eye Dave says, "Hey, what's that under the car?" We all looked and saw our camera case just behind the passenger side front wheel of Mom and Dad's CRV. We opened the case and the camera was inside, safe and operational. Thank goodness for my brother's amazing sight - if we hadn't seen it, we would have surely driven right over the camera as we left the church parking lot - plus it wouldn't have been at the house when we returned. Yeah Dave! For those of you who don't know my family, can you guess which one is Dave in the picture below? Yeah, you guessed it. He is obviously much older than I am... Okay, well, 18 months older.
We had a wonderful time at the reception - I love this picture of Delynn having a little fun before the festivities began.
Did we say that it was HOT in Tucson? If not, let me tell you - it was HOT in Arizona. Okay, it wasn't like blast furnace hot, it did however get up into the mid 90's (mid 30's C). But, as they say, it was a dry heat. Surprisingly, humidity does make a difference. With humidity in the low teens, the sweat just dries right up without making one feel too icky. Plus, every building has air conditioning...
This is Arizona hot! We were struck again at how beautiful the desert can be. It is not just sand and rocks, there is actually a lot of green and plenty of wildlife. Again, I was so impressed when we were driving through the desert to Tombstone. David was sitting in the middle seat and he kept pointing out stuff while we were driving along: "Hey, there's some coyotes on that ridge.", "Do you see the blimp?", "I think there is a fly on that cow's left horn..." Okay, so he didn't see a fly, but he would point things out that I had to really search to see. Dave must eat a lot of carrots.
So, Tombstone is pretty much a tourist trap. It is located out in the middle of the desert. If they hadn't found silver in the ground, it would not ever have come into being. The fact that it had 103 saloons in the city limits speaks volumes about its rough and tumble reputation. Why, even the Earp brothers (the Law) had to leave town at one point because they were about to be indicted for the unlawful killing of some poor schmuck. Still, it was worth the trip to the well-restored town. Don't those guys below look nefarious? Especially the one in the sunglasses...
We arrived back in Weil a. Rh. yesterday to witness the start of the fall season. We slept in quite late our first morning, which hopefully will begin to get us adjusted back to our regular schedule. As we walked through town today, I got a couple of shots of the new fall colors. We love the way God has given us all of the diverse beauty in the space of one short week.
Yeah, that's a palm tree below. We can actually grow them here. It is fast appoaching the time when they will be pruned and covered for the winter. They don't grow as tall as in Green Valley, but hey, we also have grass.
After shopping we stopped by the café just up the street to sit in the beautiful sunshine and soak in the atmosphere. It is one of those things that we have not been able to replicate back in the States. Sitting at a café, watching the world go by. Ahhh. The coming week will be busy - I think we have something going on every evening and Saturday. Please pray for our school reception in Basel on Wednesday evening (11:00am PDT) as we meet and talk with prospective parents, relocation companies and company HR representatives. Also, Saturday is our Fall Party - we will be inviting families from the reception to meet with our current families to learn more about RIA.