26 June 2009
Re-entry to the States
Unfortunately, there was no additional flight to Frankfurt in time to catch our direct Frankfurt - Portland flight. Let me mention that this is a primo flight: 10.5 hours to get from Frankfurt all the way to PDX. Bags are checked all the way through; once through security from Basel to PDX. It is probably the fastest way back to the west coast. The best the airline could do once we missed the first leg was to route us Basel-Dusseldorf-Chicago-Portland. The new routing would get us to Portland a little after 20.00 (8pm) and the flight to Dusseldorf left in an hour. We tried booking the Thursday flight but then found out there was no Thursday flight the next Basel-Frankfurt-Portland flight would not be until Friday, so we said okay.
Off we went to get back in line to check our bags - the line was long and not moving very quickly so Delynn jumped over to the Business class line and explained our plight to the service person who nicely let us move over (saving us 30 minutes at least!) to the Business class checkin. We dumped our bags (oh yeah, one came in at 22.9kg. 100 grams - just one candy bar - from being overweight!) went through security a 2nd time and got to the gate for boarding.
The Basel-Dusseldorf-Chicago legs went fairly well. The only concern was that we didn't have any seats assigned for the Chicago-Portland leg and the Lufthansa folks couldn't access the computer system to grant us boarding passes since all stateside travel is handled for Lufthansa by United Airlines. We got into Chicago about the time we should have been landing in Portland had our connections worked previously and then we had a 4 hour layover. We went to the ticket counter and were given a voucher to get us through security but they said that the boarding pass would have to be issued by the gate agents. Not a good sign. We went through security (3rd time if you are counting) and since we are now in America, we have to remove our shoes - they don't make you remove your shoes in Switzerland, they must have better scanners.
The security line was longer than any security line I have been in at any airport. Well, there was that security screening in Israel, but that's another story... Anyway, we got through the screening and headed off to wander the terminal for a bit. We had a bite to eat (nothing worth describing here...) and walked up and down the terminal (they had Starbucks at both ends - we must be in America!). We decided to wait at our gate when we found out that the inbound flight as delayed - first an hour, then an hour and a half, then two hours... Oy! In the mean time the departure gate changed twice so the whole plane's worth of passengers shuffled from one hopeful point of departure to another.
Did I mention that we didn't have assigned seats? Let me look back - Yes I did. So, here we are with a voucher promising us seats but not actually assigning them. When the London-Heathrow flight (the one leaving our gate prior) finally got off the ground, our boarding agent crew took over and immediately announced that the flight was overbooked and they needed volunteers to take a later flight or fly tomorrow morning - you know the drill. They offer some nice goodies (flights, hotel vouchers, etc.) which is great if you haven't been up for over 24 hours and really want to get to PDX because someone will be waiting for you and the roaming charges on your German cell phone from the states are SKY HIGH! Anyway, we came to realize that those volunteers were going to be making space for the 20 folks that had been confirmed but did not have assigned seats - which ment us! Gulp. The boarding agent was being swamped with everyone wanting to know about seats, so she made a rule: If I haven't called your name, I will not talk to you - we are trying to issue boarding cards as quickly as possible.
The last zone for boarding had been called (along with 12 or so of the names on the confirmed list) but our name had not been mentioned. The last call for boarding was being made when we heard her call "Smith". No answer. "Walz ,party of two". "Yo, right here!" as I sprang forward waving our coupon in the air. Whew! we were among the last people to board just as the door was about to close and prepare to push back from the jetway.
We were seated for our final leg - yes, we were going to make it. As we waited for the normal sort of departure activities, we noted that the air conditioning turned off and wasn't coming back on... The weather in Chicago was about 28 or so (82 degrees F) and let me just say that a small aluminium tube containing a 150 or so people warms up really quickly. I soon had beads of sweat running down the small of my back - it was less than comfortable. And I must also say that after being in the same clothes for over 24 hours, humping 85kg (200lbs) worth of suitcases around, and being in some stressful situations, I was starting to be a little stinky - and this was NOT helping.
The captain came on and acknowledged our pain and noted that the on-board engine that normally a) supplies air conditioning and b) helps start the engine was non-operational. Oy! Yes, they were bringing in an external tug to do the job if we would be patient for a couple of minutes. The tug came and we started getting some air flow (note that I didn't say air conditioning...) as the captain attempted to get the starboard engine started (note that I said attempted...). Apparently, this little tug couldn't get enough air flow through the engine to get the turbines to compress the fuel to actually get the engine started. Oh and by the way, finding another machine like this in all of O'Hare may be a bit problematic. Oy!
They finally found another tug (perhaps a nice rival airline loaned it to them - we never did find out) that had the puffing power to get the engine started so that we could finally push off for the flight to PDX an additional 3.3 hours late. By this time, Delynn and I were absolutely exhausted. Luckily, the 4.5 hour flight didn't offer meal service (well, you could pay for a box lunch) because we dropped right off into "airline sleep" (you know: that half-sleep, half-awake, nod-off-and-jerk-your-head-up kind of sleep) for most of the journey.
We arrived safely at 22.40. We got all of our luggage and arrived at Delynn's sister's home about 23.30. Yeah! We are thankful to have arrived.
24 May 2009
Quick trip to Baden-Baden
Anyway, we had a long weekend available, but we had real trouble deciding what to do. There is so much to accomplish in the next month (yes, we fly out in one month!) that we couldn't really make a decision. I needed to be back for Sunday service as I led music worship this morning, so we didn't want to go too far. Also, next weekend, we will be travelling to Celle to visit our friends Liz and Karl, so days available to prepare, pack, sort, etc. are getting fewer and fewer.
However, we also realized that if we stayed at home in Weil am Rhein, the weekend would slip through our fingers. So, on Thursday morning, I cracked open the trusty Rick Steves book and called a few hotels to see if they had room. We finally got something on the 4th hotel - it is starting to get busy in Baden-Baden. The hotel was about 10 minutes out of town by bus, but the busses run every 10 minutes, so it was quite convenient.
We really enjoyed Baden-Baden when we went last August for our anniversary. It is a very swanky place but you can be comfortable in jeans (unless you are going to the casino where coat and tie are required). The spa there is very relaxing, the trails are soothing and the ice cream is, well creamy.
Delynn didn't know I was taking this picture, but do you see the pure joy in her smile!
On Saturday, we traveled up to the Merkur - a hill outside of town overlooking Baden-Baden and the beautiful valleys of the Schwarzwald. Baden-Baden is considered the northernmost part of the Black Forest. The rhodies were in full bloom - quite spectacular don't you think? That is Baden-Baden in the background of both pictures.
This one was taken from a tower on the top of Merkur (notice that I am holding on for dear life!)
We thank you for your prayers as we enter this final month before re-entry into the U.S. It will be another sprint and we frankly do not look forward to the leaving, especially with the additional responsibilities of closing down the school. We ask for your continued prayer support - the time goes so quickly!
Love to all.
13 May 2009
Notes from abroad
We experienced a small earthquake last week here in Weil am Rhein. The epicenter was about 20 km northish from here in the village of Kandern and measured 4.5 - not a bad quake. It occurred at 3:39 am and by the time I woke up, realized that it wasn't a dream and registered as an earthquake, it was over (say 4-5 seconds). Unfortunately, I never quite got back to sleep again so it was a long day for us.
This last weekend was our annual church retreat - aptly named the "Weekend Away". The church invited speakers from England, one of which was at last year's Weekend Away, to speak, encourage and challenge us. This was one of the best/hardest retreats that I have been to in my life. God showed up in some amazing ways - bringing significant spiritual, emotional, physical healing to many. I had the privilege of assisting in the worship music which kept me pretty busy - we did a lot of up front planning, but as the Holy Spirit moved and guided over the weekend, we flexibly moved also so that God could be praised and worshiped with a minimal of distractions. Delynn and I were stretched in some very meaningful ways and are grateful for having had the opportunity.
This coming weekend, Delynn will be a surrogate godmother for the christening. One of our staff from last year had a beautiful baby girl. She is Canadian and her husband is a wonderful, quiet German. They make a really great family, but the child's godmother-to-be is in Canada, so they asked Delynn to stand in. Another wonderful privilege of living in the expat community. Plus we get to have a BBQ after church - yum!
We know that many of you pray for us regularly. As we work through these final five weeks of school, here are our prayer needs:
- That we will finish the school year well, including those tough "good-byes" that are a natural part of transition.
- That we will have enough volunteers to help us close down the school. We have about 4 days (not including Sunday) after our last school day to sell/move/recycle/discard everything in the entire school.
- That the library might be sold as a complete unit.
- That the staff exhibit God's grace and the fruit of His Spirit during this increasingly busy time.
03 May 2009
Château de Chillon and Montreux

26 April 2009
We arrived through the now infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" ("Work Liberates") gate. You may remember that the concentration camp in Dachau had the same motto on the gate. Something that I learned - if you look closely at the letter B in the work Arbeit, you will note that it is installed upside-down. The story is that it was a form of protest by an inmate of Auschwitz.
Auschwitz I (as differentiated from Auschwitz II - also known as the Birkenau camp) was originally a Polish military barracks before the nation collapsed in 1939 - crushed between the invasions of German and Soviet armies. The buildings here are not much different than barracks in which I have lived when I served in the military - brick construction, large rooms, insulated. Relative luxury compared to the barn-like buildings you will see at Birkenau.
Everywhere barbed wire - this is the killing zone standing before two walls of electrified wire.
This is a reconstruction of the execution wall for those prisoners that were shot outright for whatever violation of the rules was perceived. The windows on the barracks situated on either side of this courtyard were boarded over to keep the prisoners from witnessing the shootings.
Many of the barracks in Auschwitz I were used for museums - we couldn't take pictures inside of the barracks rooms, so I can only describe in words the feeling of seeing piles of suitcases - each one carefully marked with the name and address of souls lost in the hopes of being relocated. The flood of 40,000 pairs of shoes - childrens, mens, womens, wooden shoes. The shock of literally tons of human hair laid out behind glass walls. It was sometimes beyond words.
We rode the three kilometers from Auschwitz I to Birkenau (Auschwitz II) in silence. The guide emphasized the enormity of the extermination camp at Birkenau. These rail tracks were installed rather late in the life of the camp to help facilitate movement of inmates - before this, those condemned to the camps had to walk from the rail siding a kilometer or so from the front gates.
Of the nearly 300 barracks built by Auschwitz I inmates, somewhat less than 20 are still up. Most of these have been rebuilt for the memorial site but are strictly modeled after the originals. The brick stacks you see in the background are the remains of the rudementary heating systems of the original barracks and the only thing left standing.
The guides at Auschwitz-Birkenau all work for the memorial - they do not allow outside guides to take groups through the camps. The guides are well trained and must take tests periodically to prove their expertise. Here, our guide stands in front of the remains of cremetorium I which was blown up by the retreating SS guards before the arrival of Soviet forces.
This is the entrace where untold numbers walked to their death. The area immediately in front was the changing room before entering the "showers". As people disrobed, they were reminded to memorize the number above the cubbyhole into which they had hurridly stashed their clothes and belongings so that they could reclaim them after the shower. This helped keep down the panic.
All Polish children living in the vacinity of Auschwitz-Birkenau (including all from the Kraków area) are required at 14 years of age to visit the extermination camps. There were several groups there on the day we visited. This was the road from the selection platform to registration. For those selected to be fit for work, this road led to the area where they were registered, tattooed and assigned a barracks. Many lived for only a few months before being literally worked to death.
Our visit that day was a tough one, but it is one that we knew we needed to make. I wonder if we have learned the lessons of this place.
19 April 2009
Dresden and Kraków

There are however no smiling pictures of us from our visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau - we will blog on that experience later.
07 April 2009
We always keep learning
Weather-wise, we couldn't be more pleased - it has been warm enough (in the high-teens to low-twenties) to go out for a "kugel" (ice cream) with friends, bask in the warmth of the sun and people-watch. We are really going to miss that slice of life here. We thank God for every day he gives us and the little pleasures that come our way.
One of our chores we had this week was refilling a prescription. Not a big deal you say - if you have a prescription, just go to the pharmacy, or better yet just call it in. Have them verify the prescription and voilá, Bob's your uncle. Well, welcome to Germany, as a soverign country, they have the right to do things a little differently here. Not wrong, just different - and in this case, it was rather amusing.
First, as far as we can tell, there is no such thing as a prescription refill, per se. Every prescription is a one-time fill and one has to return to the doctor to get the next one. When we first arrived with prescriptions from America, the Apotheke folks were very unsure whether or not to fill them. In the end, the owner, after finding out we were working for the school (he was a supporter of RIA) gave us permission to get the prescription filled - but he warned us sternly that future prescriptions must come from a German Physician (capitalized for emphasis). We thanked him profusely and went on our way.
So, we did find a German Physician (capitalized for emphasis). Actually, it is a physician's group that occupies the floor above our apartment, so it is most convenient. Dr. Lehmann speaks excellent english and has been a very kind doctor for both Delynn and I when we have had occasion to see him. Anyway, back to the prescription...
We went up to the office to see what steps we needed to get a new prescription. We didn't know if that would entail an office visit (in which case we would make an appointment) or what we would need to do. We walked in, talked to the nice assistant (you know, all of the office staff dress much more casually than they would in the states - for the most part, they wear jeans and blouses/shirts, but no white coats or anything even remotely resembling uniformity) and she looked us up on the computer. Since we are privately insured (i.e. we pay our own bills, thank you very much) and apparently okay people, she printed off the prescription right at the front desk, told us we needed a physician's signature, and asked us to step over to the waiting area.
OOOOkkkkaaaaaayyyy. Now what? We stepped over to the waiting area (all chairs taken, so we stood) and began a whispered converstation.
"Will they call us?"
"I don't know."
"What do you think we should do?"
"I don't know."
"Do you see a physician?"
"I don't know - wait, that one has a stethoscope..."
"What do you think we should do?"
"I don't know."
"Do you see Dr. Lehman?"
"No. Do you know any of the other doctors?"
"What do you think we should do?"
"I don't know."
"Should we go back and ask at the front desk?"
"Well, the line is kind of long..."
So, this went on for a few minutes until we saw someone leave an examination room, only to be swarmed by two or three people all holding out pieces of paper which the woman signed and gave back. We knew they weren't collecting autographs, so that must be it! By the time we made the connection, the woman (probably a doctor: she had a stethoscope) was back in another examining room and we were left still clutching our unsigned prescription. The line at the front desk had by this time dissipated, so I walked over to ask about correct procedure. The staffer said, no, we would not be called and confirmed our suspicion that we just simply need to mob the doctor whenever they come into the waiting area and get a signature. Never mind that they don't have the first clue of who we are!
I joined back up with Delynn and we found a couple of chairs together. We waited... Each time a door opened, we whispered: "Is that a doctor?" We had yet to see Dr. Lehmann, the only one we knew for sure was a physician - although we were pretty sure of stethoscope woman. Finally, after a few minutes, she reappeared out of a door in transit to another patient. An elderly lady raised up her hand holding a sheet of paper and we knew this was our chance. I jumped up out of my seat and thrust the paper in her general direction. She took it, signed it and handed it back without a word. We gave a quiet "Danke schön" and made our way back toward the entrance.
Afterwards, we had a good laugh together over our new learning experience. It really was quite amusing: our initial timidity, watching others to see the process and imitating what we saw all brought us to a successful conclusion. This is life in a different culture and we love it! Never stop learning.
We will post again sometime after we return from our Dresden-Kraków trip. Please be patient with us - we realize as our date of departure from Germany gets ever closer that we have LOTS of things to get accomplished (not just teaching and bookkeeping). Thank you for keeping up with our lives here in Germany - our friends here have asked us to keep blogging when we get back to the States so they too can keep up with our lives. We have made such good friends here, leaving them is the hardest part of returning.
Love all; serve all. Make good choices.
29 March 2009
Alpine splendor
Here we are in the alps - it looks like we are on the top of the world and it kind of felt that way.
Michael with the Jungfrau in the background.
This is the Eiger. Pictures just cannot do justice to the majesty of this area.
I took a video showing the three peaks - Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. I love the little halos of clouds on the peaks.
I know this is a quick entry by our normal standards but we wanted to share a little of our trip to the beautiful Swiss Alps. God bless you all.
16 March 2009
This is how God works
Okay, so this was a great God thing. Last week, spring decided to grace us with days of sunshine and warmth. After the long, cold winter, we are more than ready. It has been a glorious few days and everyone is out walking, riding, holding hands, you know... spring-stuff. Well, some form of allergen - I know not what - also decided to make its presence known.
Last Wednesday, I was hit hard. It worked down into my bronchial passages as well as my sinuses. I was coughing, sneezing, watery eyes - the works. My voice was cracking like a middle-schooler. When we sang at our Lifegroup retreat last weekend, I had to sing down an octive. I do think it gave me a really cool (dare I say sexy?) baritone voice though... (I'm not sure what Delynn thinks...) I don't recall whether I had the same reaction last year, but then Delynn and I were so often down with a cold, any allergic reactions were probably masked.
So, I'm not doing the best, I can't sing AT ALL without sounding like a frog and I had to lead worship singing on Sunday morning. My co-leader was away for the weekend, so we didn't have a backup. During the retreat, my friend Jon came up to me and asked if there was anything he could pray for - I immediately said yes; he gently laid his hands on me and began to pray. I didn't experience a sudden healing or anything but I was grateful for his fervent prayer.
Sunday morning, I got up early to prepare to lead singing. I noticed that I was coughing less. As I showered, I started warming up my voice but it was still cracking as I went up the scales. I figured that I would just have to sing as a bass that day. As I got ready to leave, Delynn was up having her first cup of coffee and I asked her to pray for me. We held each others hands and she simply asked God to be close to me, heal me and give me strength.
As I drove to church (I had borrowed a school vehicle to transport the Weiler contingent to the retreat, so we had it Sunday morning) I continued to work the scales and warming up my voice. I was blessed to have the car because I probably would have gotten some strange looks doing my warm ups on the tram... Anyway, during that 15 minute drive to church, my voice really started improving - it was such a relief. I could hit notes higher than I had in days. I was so thankful that God was granting me the desire of my heart.
We had our pre-worship practice (which was a little rough) but the worship went really, really well. It was hardly a strain to sing praises and speak - it felt miraculous. We had been invited over to supper at a friend's home, so we spent an enjoyable afternoon with them. As the afternoon progressed however, the cough and baritone voice began to return. By the time I was ready for bed, I was back to where I had started the day - but God had seen me through. And I don't even want to tell you about this morning - hack!
Late last night, we got an email from a friend back at Vancouver Friends Church that was simply titled: Praying for you. In it, spoke of the Lord bringing us to mind in his quiet time and although, "He did not tell me what to pray for you but he knows what you need at every moment." Wow! Our friend, thousands of miles away, was led to pray for us, for me, at just the time it was needed.
Now, some may say that it is just coincidence that all of these events came together, but I say no. People of faith do not believe in a God of coincidence but in a God who actively shapes, moves, blesses and directs his people. This is the God in which I believe - He met me in my need and provided. Why don't you give God a try and see what happens...
God is good - all the time.
All the time - God is good.
06 March 2009
Fasnacht in the Dreiländereck
So, the week before the break went well. Despite the knowledge that RIA will be closing operations at the end of the school year, it doesn't change our desire for teaching excellence and giving our students the best education possible in the last four months of the school year. When I think back to first grade (Yes, I can still remember first grade those many decades ago) and compare what I did in reading and math to what our students are doing, it blows my mind. Here is a picture of our first grade girls during library (I think I have mentioned before that our entire 1st grade class is girls...). This set of girls represent Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Cameroon, Columbia and Kazakhstan - none of whom are native English speakers. During a recent library class, after books have been returned and new books checked out, they settled down on Hedgy for a read. Hedgy is a hedgehog pillow that the kids love to use while reading.
The thing that really impresses me is their absolute love of reading - some reading books that I didn't tackle until 3rd or 4th grade back at St. V's. They are all at different levels (and this isn't even the whole class) which is a testimony to their very talented and creative teacher, Miss Aubrey. Of course, as an Oregonian and sharing my same birthday, Aubrey just HAS to be special... Now, here are some of the girls again with one of our staff members showing off her Basler Fasnacht costume - the harlequin. Up until Fasnacht begins, each group or Clique's costumes and themes are absolutely TOP SECRET. Janelle is only able to show off the costume before Fasnacht began because it is a classic costume from years past as her Clique celebrates its 60th Fasnacht anniversary this year.
So, Fasnacht activities in our area start after Worship on Sunday the 1st of March. We invited our staff over to ours because the Weil am Rhein parade is the first of our many venues. The Weil am Rhein parade starts at the Rathausplatz and wends its way down the kilometer or so of Weil's Hauptstrasse.
Among the traditional German costumes are Waggi's (these characters represent French farm workers from the Alsace region) ...
and witches...
and clowns. I understand that part of the history of Fasnacht is scaring away winter - Well, they aren't going to scare winter away with these clowns...
Our next stop was the town of Liestal, Switzerland. Long-time readers of the blog may remember last year's Fasnacht. Delynn was ill (it was her turn) and needed to stay home so she didn't get to experience the raw heat of the fire parade, so this was her year. Here we are before the parade, standing in front of one of the fire carts that are pulled or carried down Liestal's Hauptstrasse. I recalled this one from the previous year - it is quite well constructed, including wheels made entirely of steel so that they don't melt in the extreme heat. This is the before - oh, yeah, that wood is ready to burn...
And here is the after (well, more during) picture. As the cart was pulled by our post on the Hauptstrasse, you can see how crazy hot the parade is.
In addition to the fire carts, many, many more individuals - both men and women - carry burning bundles of wood - most configured in the cone shape as seen in detail below.
These are carried by groups of folk who run, dance but mostly trudge under the great burning weight. Some only wear wet felt hats (the purists) to protect themselves from the burning load.
Here's another good picture - look at those three story flames! We would never see anything like this in North America. Can you imagine this happening on Broadway in downtown Portland?
Before I go on, if you haven't already noted it, please check the other post from earlier today that has a couple of videos from Liestal, including a hunka, hunka burning wood. After the Liestal parade, we all smelled like a big campfire. Delynn found a couple of small holes in her coat from burning embers that fell on her - and we were in the back row!!
The next stop on our Fasnacht fun was the Tuesday chaos in Basel. Tuesday is one of our favorite Basel Fasnacht days because it has the children's parade so there are thousands of children and families traipsing up and down the street of the Basel downtown, dressed up in costumes and wantonly tossing confetti. The busses and trams are all diverted to keep all of the streets for pedestrian use only.
This picture above says it all for me: Masks, Drums and Confetti.
On Tuesday, individuals or groups with as few as two people (or in this case three) can simply dress up, pick up their piccolo and drum and start marching around the streets of Basel. Notice too the costumed mannequins on the corner of the building at left.
A huge part of the Basler Fasnacht is the lanterns that each Clique creates and carries through the different parades over the 72 hour Fasnacht period starting at 4:00am Monday morning (Morgenstreich). Often the lanterns have two or more meanings. The one above for example deals with the CERN Large Hadron Super-Collider that many feared would create a black hole and suck the world into it - the more subtle meaning deals with the bankers who are the black hole, sucking the money out of all of our pockets.
As the evening deepens, Guggenmusik bands - most analogous to marching bands in the states - but with much better uniforms - march all over playing wonderfully toe-tapping music. This was a really wonderful few days. I hope that you have received just a taste of it by following this blog.
Don't forget to check out the earlier entry with a couple of more videos.
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. These summarize the heart and mind of God.